
LIKE cricket, volleyball has been a very popular game since the early years of the club’s history, and interest in this game has been maintained throughout these fifty odd years.

Historic VolleyballMoments

During its colorful history volleyball has seen many ups and downs and in spite of some setbacks we have always managed to maintain a high morale in the team.

In 1942 while playing at Kijabe, the club won a beautiful trophy when, after eliminating all the contestants, our A and B teams clashed in the finals.

During the fifties the team was infused with new spirit when the late Rashid Lone took over the management of the team. Under him the team won a challenge cup in Nairobi and two in Mombasa in 1950 and 1951 respectively.

During the sixties our team was one of the topmost teams in East Africa and boasted such great names as Ghulam Abbas, Afzal, Anwar, Hanif, Alau Din and Ghulam Kadir. Ghulam Kadir always thrilled the crowds with his powerful and accurate service. Until his retirement in1954, Kadir had always been captain of our volleyball team. The credit for superior performance and dynamism no doubt goes to Late Rashid Lone who was the moving spirit and the inspiration behind our volley ball team. Among the trophies displayed in the club, volleyball has the biggest share.

In recent years Afzal Bahtti and Sirshar Dar have been at the fore-front of our volley ball team and with their hard work and dedication they have made it a fine fighting force. To them goes the credit for winning the Haji Abdul Rehman Jin E.A. Challenge Cup in 1980. They have also built the volley ball court which is one of the finest in Kenya. In recent years Afzal Bhatti and Sirshar Dar have managed to interest some of our younger players in this game with the result that volleyball has become the popular game on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

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